
Thessa marie curtis
Thessa marie curtis

thessa marie curtis

Toronto Public Health issues beach advisories when the geometric mean concentration of at least five samples exceeds 100 E. Swim Guide updates Toronto beaches using the City of Toronto's Open Data. Sampling season starts in June and ends Labour Day Weekend. Toronto Public Health monitors recreational water quality at sites in this region. Swim Guide will continue to indicate the current water quality status based on laboratory verified e.coli counts and the current Toronto recreational water quality guideline until the AIPM assessment is complete and/or guidelines have been updated. For predictive modeling results, please visit the City of Toronto website linked in the ad above. Marie Curtis Park East Beach is one of two pilot and assessment locations for the City of Toronto’s Artificial Intelligence Predictive Modeling (AIPM) of bacterial levels. Marie Curtis Park Beach is a beautiful place to enjoy the sun and quiet near Toronto. Children love the park playground, and there is ample space and greenery for everyone to use and appreciate. The Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto erected a plaque in the southwest corner of the park to commemorate Marie Curtis, the woman from Long Branch who worked tirelessly to have the park built. In order to ensure that this never happened again, the remaining houses were moved away from the shore. Hurricane Hazel struck in 1954, destroying forty homes and claiming six lives on the beach. The park was once part of a community called Long Branch. Marie Curtis Park East Beach is located on the east bank of the Etobicoke Creek where the water flows out to meet Lake Ontario. Grey means there is no current water quality information, the beach is under construction, there has been an event that has rendered water quality information unreliable or unavailable. Red means the water at the site has water quality issues or there is an emergency. This status does not indicate current water quality. This means that this site has been issued a Blue Flag status for the current swimming season.

thessa marie curtis

We may manually set the status for a specific beach if we have concerns about the sampling protocol, if there is an emergency, if monitoring practices don't exist or have recently changed, or other reasons that render this site "special." Red means the beach failed water quality tests 40% of the time or more. Yellow means the beach passed water quality tests 60-95% of the time. Green means the beach passed water quality tests 95% of the time or more. This means that rather than displaying current data it displays the beach's average water quality for that year. When swimming season is over or when a beach's water quality data has not been updated frequently enough (weekly) it goes into historical status. Grey means water quality information for the beach is too old (more than 7 days old) to be considered current, or that info is unavailable, or unreliable. Red means the beach’s most recent test results failed to meet water quality standards. Green means the beach’s most recent test results met relevant water quality standards.

Thessa marie curtis